Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Random fact# 6
The word "pistol" is derived from the Frenchy word pistole (or pistolet), which may have any of these origins:
1. From the Czech
pistole and derived from the Czech word píšťala (flute or pipe!!, referencing the shape of a Hussite firearm
2. From the city of Pistoia, Italy.

3. Early pistols were carried by cavalrymen in holsters, which were hung from the pommel (or pistallo in medievil French) of the horse's saddle.

1 comment:

Robert McLaughlin said...

A pistol is a semi-automatic handgun. Revolvers are not usually referred to as pistols.

You've got an interesting bunch of stuff in your three blogs; and that from a 21 year old! You must be a genius.

Thanks for commenting on my bad cat.